Residential Pest Control Services


Jackson & Jazz have always gone above and beyond to help me to protect my property from pests and rodents. ( Brisbane Southside). Jackson is reliable, helpful and always on time. The products that they use actually work and they also honour the warranty period, no questions asked. I highly recommend MacCotter Termite & Pest control.

Five Star Reveiw. Louise Hetherington, Aug. 2020

Pest Control and all Termite | White Ant services in Highvale – Brisbane and surrounding areas. Termite | White Ant Treatment Zones- Termite Inspections, Pre purchase Inspections, Pest Inspections.

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    Many people know and refer to termites as white ants. Both terms are correct. Termites/White Ants are a big problem in Australia and South East Queensland is especially prone due to its sub tropical climate. The term white ant is due to the colour of the workers. Termites/White Ants eat timber & wood products and as such are the largest threat to our biggest asset, our homes. Termites/White Ants do their damage secretly as they primarily come from the ground and can enter your home entirely unseen, often going undiscovered until vast amounts of damage have been done.

    Your best defence against Termites/White Ants is to have an inspection each and every year and to protect your home against infestation with an approved termite protection such as a Termite/White Ant barrier.

    What our clients say about our work

    Thank you MacCotter’s. You came to my home for a termite inspection and I would like to thank you for your professional but friendly approach. I would also like to thank you for your patience with all my questions (yep, I asked a whole heap) and your consideration with your answers. I have had termite inspections over the years but none so thorough as you provided. Your inspection report was also very detailed. You were prompt & obviously very experienced. You have been able to provide me with some peace of mind about my home and that is worth so much more than what you charged for your inspection. I absolutely recommend you to anyone who wants great service from people who care! Thanks so much.

    D.A Mathers, Springwood Qld, November 2010

    Spider Control

    Queensland has many species of spiders ranging from web spinning spiders such as the Golden Orb and the St Andrews Cross to ground spiders such as the Huntsman, the Trapdoor and the Garden Wolf Spider. Many of our spiders are quite harmless, though most of us find them very unsightly, however we do have many spider species that are poisonous to humans, some even deadly. These are spiders such as the Red Back, The White Tail and the Black House spider to name but a few. It’s simple to keep your home spider free. Ask us how when we do your next general pest treatment.


    Cockroach Pest Control

    We use a combination of gel and spray to ensure the best possible result for you. Our spray is very low toxicity and odourless so no more of that awful chemical smell!! Many technicians use only a gel or a spray but we choose to use both as it provides the most effective treatment.


    Ant Control

    The best way to treat ants is to have a licensed technician spray the nest however, this is not always possible so spraying around the area where ants are seen can also be an effective method as the treatment can be picked up and taken back to the nest by the ants in the colony.

    Another effective ant control measure is to have the inside and outside of the home treated for ants in your annual general pest treatment.


    Green Ants

    Green ants (weaver ants) are arboreal and are known for their unique nests in trees. They make their nests by sticking leaves together with a sticky substance to form a ball like nest.

    Large numbers of arboreal colonies can occupy surrounding trees. Hundreds can be found in greenery in suburban areas. Outdoor activities are hampered by the danger of being bitten, especially if you have an allergy or sensitivity to them.


    Rats and Mice

    Rats and mice live near and inhabit all types of residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

    Rats cause serious damage to electrical and plumbing fittings in buildings. Rats incisor teeth continuously grow throughout their life span. Therefore, rats need to gnaw on items to control the growth of the teeth. Dishwasher hoses, water pipes, car and house wiring are some of the more common items damaged by rats.

    Rats & Mice


    Silverfish are small insects that infest the home. They are nocturnal and often go undetected. Silverfish are shy and will hide away from people. They feed on common household items such as books, photographs, documents and even wallpaper along with other foods found in most homes. They also feed on clothing, curtains, linen, soap, glue, dust etc. They often inhabit moist areas like bathrooms, laundries and basements but can be found in almost any room of the home. Many people don’t know they have a silverfish problem until they find damaged clothing or other items.

    They breed rapidly which means left untreated they can cause an extensive infestation resulting in significant damage to household items.A professional treatment for silverfish is easy and effective.


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    Looking for Friendly and Professional Service or Advice?

    Call MacCotter Termite & Pest Control Now for a free NO OBLIGATION Quote!