Everton Park – Grange Pest Control for Ants Brisbane
Are you looking for a great pest control service to treat your ants ?
Ants are a major pest when it comes to the home and yard.
Ants infest homes and there are many types but the small black ants are most common.
If left untreated their numbers build up to a point that electrical items become infested. Electrical systems may become unsafe and in extreme cases can cause a short circuit.
Roof voids and walls are favourite nesting places and ants are more difficult to eradicate once they become established there.
Annual treatments for ants and general household pests is recommended.
Ants will forage large distances from the nest in the search for food. Ants, unlike termites, do not consume wood or timbers for food. However they are capable of moving materials such as dirt and saw dust. Ants will nest in trees, vegetation and decaying wood.
Dirt piles found inside the home can often be signs that an ant colony may be nesting inside the house. An early pest control treatment from a licensed technician can assist in eradicating current infestations and help to prevent future outbreaks.
Ants will often find food scraps, and leftover pet food around the home and lead more of the ant colony to those areas. It is important to clean up after feeding pets and keep any biscuits and pet food in sealed containers.
Tree branches and bushes against the house can often lead ants directly into the building and even into the roof void. Ceiling insulation provides close to perfect nesting conditions for ants with easy access to food and water.
Ants in the lawn and yard Everton Park / Grange Brisbane.
Funnel ants are a major pest in the Brisbane region. As the funnel ant reproductives find a suitable nesting location (your lawn) they begin digging and nesting. As the colonies grow the funnel ants continue digging and excavating soil to the surface. This excavated soil eventually forms a funnel and is then their main access from the tunnel to the surface. Over time these tunnels can collapse and compromise the soil integrity leaving dips in the yard that can become a hazzard.

Lawn Destroyed by Funnel ants

Ants excavate sand under paving
Please read my press release on Rat Control.
Press Release Rats in Brisbane
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Termite Control and Termite Inspection Brisbane

Servicing – Brisbane and Surrounding Areas
MacCotter Termite & Pest Control is a family owned business in Brisbane that specialise in termite inspection Brisbane and termite control, as well as pest inspection and control. We have branches throughout Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, and our service area covers all of the Gold Coast suburbs, the Sunshine Coast and Ipswich & Brisbane.
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